Pet Hydration and Nutrition in Hot Months: Keeping Pets Healthy in Summer

Adam Harbin • Jul 09, 2024

As the temperatures rise and summer is in full swing, it's essential to pay extra attention to your pet's hydration and nutrition. At The Ark Pet Spa & Hotel, we are dedicated to ensuring that your furry friends stay healthy and happy all year round. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to keep your pets well-hydrated and properly nourished during the hot months.

The Importance of Hydration

1. Preventing Dehydration: Dehydration in pets can lead to serious health issues such as heatstroke, kidney failure, and even death. Ensuring that your pet has constant access to fresh water is crucial. Signs of dehydration include dry gums, lethargy, sunken eyes, and loss of skin elasticity.

2. Encouraging Water Intake:

  • Multiple Water Stations: Place several water bowls around your home and yard to encourage frequent drinking.
  • Clean and Fresh Water: Change the water in your pet’s bowls frequently to keep it clean and appealing.
  • Ice Cubes: Adding ice cubes to the water bowl can make drinking more enticing for pets and help keep the water cool.
  • Pet Fountains: Consider investing in a pet water fountain. The flowing water can attract pets and encourage them to drink more.

Nutrition Tips for Hot Months

1. Adjusting Food Portions: In the summer, pets may require fewer calories due to decreased activity levels. Adjust their food portions accordingly to prevent unnecessary weight gain.

2. Summer-Friendly Foods:

  • Wet Food: Incorporating wet food into your pet’s diet can increase their water intake.
  • Hydrating Treats: Offer treats like cucumber slices, watermelon (without seeds), and ice treats to help keep your pet hydrated.
  • Balanced Diet: Ensure your pet’s diet is balanced and includes all the necessary nutrients. Consult your vet for the best summer diet plan for your pet.

3. Avoiding Overfeeding: Overfeeding can lead to obesity, which exacerbates the risk of heat-related illnesses. Stick to a regular feeding schedule and avoid giving too many treats.

Keeping Pets Cool

1. Shade and Shelter: Provide plenty of shaded areas for your pets to rest in. If they are outside, ensure they have access to a cool, shaded spot away from direct sunlight.

2. Cooling Accessories:

  • Cooling Mats: Use cooling mats or pads for your pets to lie on.
  • Fans and Air Conditioning: Make use of fans or air conditioning to keep the environment cool.

3. Limiting Exercise: Avoid rigorous exercise during the hottest parts of the day. Opt for early morning or late evening walks when the temperatures are cooler.

Recognizing Heat Stress

It's vital to recognize the signs of heat stress in pets. Symptoms include excessive panting, drooling, rapid heartbeat, vomiting, and diarrhea. If you notice any of these signs, move your pet to a cooler place immediately and offer water. Seek veterinary attention if symptoms persist.


Keeping your pets hydrated and properly nourished during the hot months is crucial for their health and well-being. At The Ark Pet Spa & Hotel, we prioritize the comfort and safety of your furry companions. By following these tips, you can help ensure that your pets stay healthy and happy throughout the summer. For more personalized advice and to learn about our summer care services, contact us or visit our website. Let's make this summer safe and enjoyable for your pets!

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