While this may be wonderful news for you, unfortunately your doggo at home will not be able to share on this joyous day. As many know, chocolate is toxic to dogs.
According to pets.webmd.com your dog will typically vomit on their own, but if you know your pup ingested chocolate you will want to monitor your pup closely and make a call to the vet. The vet may instruct you to induce vomiting using a small dose of hydrogen peroxide. Untreated, these symptoms can last as long as 72 hours! If symptoms persist, more extreme measures may be taken by your vet up to and including IV’s, stomach pumping, and activated charcoal.
If you think your dog got into your chocolate cake take action as soon as possible and contact your vet or the ASPCA’s 24-hour poison hotline (888-426-4435). For pet same treats, stop by your local Ark and check out what's new at the Slobberbones Bakery!
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